
Practice responding instead of reacting

In this age of instant communication, we tend to react immediately to any situation without tak

First steps in the world of work

What matters most in the first experience of the working world is that it goes smoothly and that the students, with the support of their colleagues, feel that they have progressed and made a valuable contribution

Learning – or relearning – the art of dialogue

In today’s era of instantaneous communication, we’re losing the habit of speaking face to face. So when disagreements arise, we have trouble, on the one hand, expressing how we feel and, on the other hand, hearing what the other is saying

Active listening – from sponge to trampoline

We think that we may be actively listening to someone ..but are we really?  I would like to share with you how difficult active listening can be and how we can improve this highly useful skill. 

A brain-friendly approach to providing feedback

In this article, I would like to offer another perspective on providing feedback, using neuroscience lessons on how the brain reacts to it

The harm that misunderstandings can cause

The origin of the word “misunderstanding” is clear: it combines the prefix “mis-”, meaning badly or wrongly, with the noun “understanding”. So a misunderstanding is when something has been understood wrongly. 

Need to step in to defuse a conflict?

Conflicts need to be caught in their very early stages and can sometimes flare up so quickly that planning mediation by the Ombud is not the most effective way to address them.

Coping with pervasive anxiety

Thursday, 28 July was Earth Overshoot Day – the date when humanity has consumed all the resources that the earth can sustainably produce for the entire year. When we are faced with this anxiety-inducing reality day after day, it’s easy to let ourselves be influence

The 4W repair kit for work relationships

How can we support members of our Laboratory in addressing conflict early on, before it reaches the Ombud’s Office?

The two faces of Janus

When I took on the role of CERN Ombud, I was not prepared to encounter what I now call the “Janus” effect. Let me give you two examples ...