Managing people
Maintaining motivation throughout your career
Six years, or even one year, can be very long in a job where you’ve lost meaning and motivation... Let's explore the topic of motivation throughout a career
How the Ombud can help Doctoral Students
A very interesting article published in 2022 in the Journal of the International Ombudsman Association (JIOA) caught my attention as it examines the specific role that ombuds may play in supporting doctoral students.
From lone wolf to inclusive leadership (Act III)
In this third and final act, we will see how Stefano takes practical action to move from lone wolf or inclusive leader, and reap the benefits of it!
From lone wolf to inclusive leadership (Act II)
In this second act, we will see how Stefano reflects on which type of leader he wants to be, at this stage of his career, lone wolf or inclusive leader?
From lone wolf to inclusive leadership (Act I)
Let's meet Stefano in this and the next two articles and see how he succeeds in adopting an inclusive management style ...
Managers and burnout – put your own oxygen mask on first!
One of the new trends observed in the Ombud’s Office in 2022 was supervisors feeling a lack of support.
No, don’t do anything!
In 2022, less than 11% of visitors authorised the Ombud to take action. Mostly for fear of negative consequences. Why?
A brain-friendly approach to providing feedback
In this article, I would like to offer another perspective on providing feedback, using neuroscience lessons on how the brain reacts to it
Mutual learning: let’s give it a chance in 2023!
As 2023 starts, let me wish you all a great year and assure you all of my support! I’d like to share with you how, by choosing to operate in our team, group, section, etc., from a mutual learning mindset, each of us can enhance collaboration and, just as important
Need to step in to defuse a conflict?
Conflicts need to be caught in their very early stages and can sometimes flare up so quickly that planning mediation by the Ombud is not the most effective way to address them.