Ombuds role

Proactively tackling conflicts

Conflict resolution in the workplace takes time, good listening skills and

The potential harm of anonymous complaints

I very rarely receive anonymous complaints or accusations of inappropriate behaviour or misconduct, but it does happen.

Active listening – from sponge to trampoline

We think that we may be actively listening to someone ..but are we really?  I would like to share with you how difficult active listening can be and how we can improve this highly useful skill. 

Impartiality or, better, multi-partiality?

With experience today  in the role of CERN Ombud, I would like to come back to neutrality and impartiality and propose a somewhat different view of how these principles are embedded in my

True or false: How much do you know about mediation? (Part II)

Last bulletin, I invited you to test your knowledge of mediation by answering seven questions.

True or false? How much do you know about mediation? (Part I)

The possibility to request mediation when dialogue with a colleague has broken down is still largely overlooked and underused.

How the Ombud can help Doctoral Students

A very interesting article published in 2022 in the Journal of the International Ombudsman Association (JIOA) caught my attention as it examines the specific role that ombuds may play in supporting doctoral students.

Feeling beyond help

Mental health: It is when you feel beyond help that you HAVE to look for support.

No judgement… Really?

In my opinion, an important principle – namely freedom from judgement – is not sufficiently reflected in the Code of Et