Bulletin Articles

Prevention is better than cure!

Michael* comes to me with some concerns: “Carlo* has been working in my team for several years. He’s always got on very well with his colleagues and produced excellent work.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/69" hreflang="en">Managing people</a>

The importance of being present

Maria* has fallen behind schedule on her project and meets with her supervisor Jan* to keep him informed. But the meeting sadly didn’t live up to her expectations.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/69" hreflang="en">Managing people</a>

Networking: a necessary evil?

Frédéric* is feeling down in the dumps: “I’ve always been good at my job and my supervisors acknowledge my excellent results.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>

Dialogue saboteurs and how to outfox them

Manuel* has been ill at ease with his supervisor Robert* for several months, but is having difficulty instigating a calm and constructive conversation about it. “Every time I try to start a discussion, I get flustered and feel like he’s manipulating me.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/66" hreflang="en">Communication</a>

Informal conflict resolution with the help of the Ombud: how does it work?

At CERN, every member of the personnel has the right to formally contest an administrative decision by requesting a review or by making an internal appeal. Anyone who feels that they’re a victim of harassment can initiate proceedings with the Harassment Investigation Panel.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/68" hreflang="en">Ombuds role</a>

Collective intelligence

In an oriental fable, six blind men decide to meet an elephant in order to broaden their horizons.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/66" hreflang="en">Communication</a>

Sharing knowledge

Barbara* has accepted a new role in a new service, where she hopes to have more opportunities to use her skills as an analyst.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/70" hreflang="en">Code of Conduct</a>

Bonding with colleagues can help break situations of deadlock

Paul* came to see me because he’s not getting along with his colleague: “Ben* is the coordinator of the project I’m working on, but he’s doing it without really consulting any other members of the working group.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/66" hreflang="en">Communication</a>

All the best for the new year!

As 2019 gets under way, I’d like to take the opportunity to wish you a year full of good things:

<a href="/taxonomy/term/74" hreflang="en">Others</a>

Be kind to yourself!

Tomas* has spent the whole day in meetings with his industrial partners, discussing highly sensitive matters that have required him to be very diplomatic. He’s had to rein in his desire to say what he really thinks and put all his energy into arguing his case in the negotiations. 

<a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>