Bulletin Articles

Difficult conversations (part III): “The identity conversation”

In this third and final part on difficult conversations, we are made aware of identity issues which can throw us off balance ...

<a href="/taxonomy/term/71" hreflang="en">Conflict management</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>

Difficult conversations (part II): "The feelings”

In all difficult conversations, feelings lie at the heart of what is wrong and are the primary issues at stake,. They must be addressed.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/71" hreflang="en">Conflict management</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>

Difficult conversations (part I): “what happened?”

We all have to face difficult conversations, i.e. anything that we find hard to talk about, whether in our private life or in the workplace.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/71" hreflang="en">Conflict management</a>

Maintaining motivation throughout your career

Six years, or even one year, can be very long in a job where you’ve lost meaning and motivation... Let's explore the topic of motivation throughout a career

<a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/69" hreflang="en">Managing people</a>

Overcoming a deadlock? Try reappraising!

Janet* has just been informed by her management that she has to step down from her current job and responsibilities and start a new project in another unit...

<a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>

The potential harm of anonymous complaints

I very rarely receive anonymous complaints or accusations of inappropriate behaviour or misconduct, but it does happen.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/68" hreflang="en">Ombuds role</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/71" hreflang="en">Conflict management</a>

Active listening – from sponge to trampoline

We think that we may be actively listening to someone ..but are we really?  I would like to share with you how difficult active listening can be and how we can improve this highly useful skill. 

Impartiality or, better, multi-partiality?

With experience today  in the role of CERN Ombud, I would like to come back to neutrality and impartiality and propose a somewhat different view of how these principles are embedded in my Ombu

<a href="/taxonomy/term/68" hreflang="en">Ombuds role</a>

Pivoting: a basketball metaphor for addressing conflicts

Find out how the book The Conflict Pivot by Tammy Lenski uses a  basketball term as a highly visual metaphor for a unique approach to addressing conflicts.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/71" hreflang="en">Conflict management</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/67" hreflang="en">Self management</a>

True or false: How much do you know about mediation? (Part II)

Last bulletin, I invited you to test your knowledge of mediation by answering seven questions.

<a href="/taxonomy/term/71" hreflang="en">Conflict management</a>, <a href="/taxonomy/term/68" hreflang="en">Ombuds role</a>