As the year draws to a close, many of us will be thinking about the good and the not so good developments of the last 12 months – in both our private and our professional lives.
This year has brought us all plenty of bad news, not least the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and the ensuing energy crisis.
Part of the reason why this situation induces anxiety is the associated uncertainty and how it makes us feel we’re losing control of our lives and our choices. More than ever, we need to support each other.
For most of us, CERN’s end-of-year closure is a prime opportunity to recharge our batteries and regain the energy, motivation and desire we need to work together.
Here are a few ideas that I suggest we all try out in order to get the most out of the holiday season:
- Ditch the smartphones, tablets and other devices that keep us plugged into a constant stream of information that we simply can’t absorb and that quickly overwhelms our critical judgement.
- Enjoy the company of our nearest and dearest. Spend time with old friends and family who have always been there for us. Those of us who live far away from where we grew up don’t see enough of them, and their affection and loyalty are such a tonic.
- Aim for a “green” Christmas by considering the carbon and human footprint of the presents we buy. Ignore the exhortations to consume, which offers only a short-lived thrill and leaves a bitter aftertaste that lasts a lot longer.
- Get lots of rest, sleep, exercise and fresh air! Our bodies can sometimes upbraid us for mistreating or forgetting to take care of them.
- Lastly, if a delicate situation needs handling at work, let’s give our brains the chance to whir away in the background to find a solution. After articulating the problem as precisely as possible for ourselves, we can forget about it and relax. The solution(s) will emerge with much more clarity after a break.
Thank you for having shared your experiences and placed your trust in me this year. And a particular thank you to those of you who will carry on working during the end-of-year closure to protect CERN’s safety and security.
I hope you all have a wonderful end-of-year break and come back feeling refreshed and re-energised.
Laure Esteveny
I want to hear from you – feel free to email with any feedback or suggestions for topics you’d like me to address.
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