Managing people

Fellows and students – a win-win equation

The hundreds of Fellows and students working at CERN bring precious new blood into the Laboratory. At the same time, CERN offers them invaluable work experience that will have a significant impact on their future careers.

MARS interviews, a two-way street to mutual understanding (Part 2)

With the annual MARS exercise approaching, now is an ideal time to consider how to carry out a successful interview.

MARS interviews, an opportunity for new understandings (Part 1)

With the annual MARS exercise quickly approaching, now is an ideal time to consider how to carry out a successful interview. Whether you are a supervisor or a supervisee, preparation, and an open frame of mind, can turn the experience into much more than a formality.

Manager’s challenge

Achieving two goals at once is a real challenge in personnel management: on the one hand, a manager must reach the results expected by the institution with the available workforce; and on the other hand, the manager must take care of their collaborators' well-being.

Work at home

Just the word “telecommuter” is enough to make many managers start to sweat. When faced with the prospect of managing an employee they cannot even see, basic managerial knowledge often becomes hazy, resulting in a confusing arrangement for both manager and employee.


“True leadership, not to be confused with dictatorship, does not take away an individual's freedom, choice, accountability, or responsibility.

Speech for the defense of leadership

“First, leadership is a process that is not specifically a function of the person in charge. Leadership is a function of individual wills and individual needs, and the result of the dynamics of collective will organized to meet those various needs.

Relationship to authority

Among the cases brought to the Ombuds, many of them have to do with difficulties between supervisees and supervisors. In fact, they form the majority of the cases.

Sincere feedback favours efficiency

Everyone can certainly agree that good communication is very important. Leaders should try to give feedback to their supervisees on their work and career so they can benefit from this information.

Management or leadership?

Management is quite adequate and most important for projects, budgets, milestones, and scheduling, for instance.