Ombuds role

It’s never the tip of the iceberg…

Last month, CERN hosted a meeting of the European Ombuds and Mediator group, which brought together some 25 Ombuds from both the public and private sectors in Europe.

The Ombud’s clock ticks on…

Confidentiality, impartiality, informality and independence: these are the guiding principles of the Ombud role. However, in order to have the best possible chances of a positive outcome, another important ingredient is needed: early action.

Third letter from ombudsland: focus on fairness

Spring is here again, and once again it is time for the annual conference of the International Ombudsman Association.

Second letter from Ombudsland

A few weeks ago I attended the 2015 annual conference of the International Ombudsman Association. It was the second time that I had participated in this conference (see here my report from last year) and, once again, I would like to share some of my experience with you.

Letter from Ombudsland

Early this month, over 400 Ombuds met in Denver for their annual conference and networking event. It was an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues from all over the world and to share best practices and benefit from an ongoing exchange of professional experience.

The first three years

On average over the past three years, 3% of CERN staff members have used the Ombuds’ services each year. This is a reasonable figure as no institution can live without conflict. Too many cases would be worrying, as would too few: it would mean that conflicts are swept under the carpet.

Impartiality, one of the Ombuds' values

In accordance with the Code of Ethics of the International Ombudsman Association, one of the main values of the Ombuds is his impartiality. In interceding in a misunderstanding or a conflict the Ombuds keeps in mind the interests of both parties as well as the interests of the organization.

A simple confidential discussion can help

No story this week, for a change! But I would like to convey to everyone a simple message: whatever issues you are facing, the Ombuds is here to listen to you; the Office is open for you.

Fear of retaliation?

Val* joined CERN a few years ago on a limited duration contract. He is now entering his fourth year at CERN and hopes - given his excellent results, his important technical responsibilities and his good periodical assessments - to be granted a long-term contract.


Jane* came to the Ombuds to share her concerns about the actions of Mike*, one of her senior colleague supervisors, and insisted on the absolute confidentiality. The Ombuds promised to keep the information confidential following the terms of his mandate.