- “Taming the abrasive manager”
Laura Crawshaw, Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint, 2007
See also: - “Le harcèlement moral”
Marie-France Hirigoyen, Pocket 10680, 1998 - “Le harcèlement moral dans la vie professionnelle”
Marie-France Hirigoyen, Pocket 11413, 2001 - “La médiation”
Michèle Guillaume-Hofnung, PUF, Que sais-je, 2009 - “Gérer les ingérables”
Jean-Edouard Grésy, Collection Formation Permanente, ESF Editeur, 2009 - “Conflict coaching”
Tricia S.Jones, Ross Brinkert, SAGE Publications, 2008 - “The Handbook of Dispute Resolution”
Edited by Michael L.Moffit and Robert C.Bordone, A publication of the Program on
Negotiation at Harvard Law School, Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint, 2005 - “Essentials of Business Ethics”
Denis Collins, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2009 - “The essential Guide to Workplace Mediation & Conflict Resolution”
Nora Doherty & Marcelas Guyler, Kogan Page, 2008 - “Pratique de la médiation”
Jean-Louis Lascoux, Collection Formation Permanente, ESF Editeur, 2001 - “Gérer les conflits au travail, la médiation systémique”
Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz, Pearson Village Mondial, 2008 - “Managing workplace bullying”
Aryanne Oade, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 - “The art of conflict or how to stay zen”
Brigitte I.Kehrer, Janus Publishing Company, London, 2009 - “Méthode de médiation”
Alain Pekar Lempereur, Jacques Salzer, Aurélien Colson, Dunod, Négociateurs du Monde, 2008 - “Managing politics at work”
Aryanne Oade, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 - “The Ombudsman Handbook”
James T.Ziegenfuss, Jr., and Patricia O’Rourke, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
See also: - “The Mediation Process”
Christopher W.Moore, Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint, 2003 - “Conflict Resolution at Work for Dummies”
Vivian Scott & the Dispute Resolution Centre of Snohomish & Island Counties, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2010 - “The complete guide to Conflict Resolution in the Workplace”
Marick F.Masters and Robert R.Albright, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2002 - “Les mots sont des fenêtres”
Marshall B.Rosenberg, La Découverte, Paris, 2003 - “Leading Change”
John P.Kotter, Harvard Business Review Press, 1996
- Politiques des autres organisations internationales (si vous n'arriver pas à trouver ceux-ci sur le web, l'ombuds vous fournira les documents sur demande):
WFP, World Food Programme:
Executive Director’s Circular ED2007/003, 14 February 2007
Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of AuthorityOSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe:
Professional Working Environment
Guide on the OSCE Policy against Harassment, Sexual Harassment and DiscriminationUNDP, United Nations Development Programme
HR User Guide, Chapter I Duties and Responsibilities
Section: Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Abuse of AuthorityWHO, World Health Organization:
HR management department
Policy on the Prevention of Harassment at WHOWHO, World Health Organization:
General Management
WHO Whistleblower ProtectionWHO, World Health Organization:
Mental Health Policies and Programmes in the Workplace
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance PackageWHO, World Health Organization:
Work Organization & Stress
Protecting Worker’s Health Series No 3UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
Code of Conduct & Explanatory Notes
UNHCR’s Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Abuse of Authority
Dealing with Harassment: the Manager’s Guide
Dealing with Harassment: the Complainant’s GuideIOM, International Organization for Migration:
Policy for a Respectful Working EnvironmentITU, International Telecommunication Union:
ITU Policy on Harassment and Abuse of AuthorityWIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization
Office Instruction No 17/2006, Statement on Harassment at WorkICRC, International Committee Red Cross
ICRC People Management PrinciplesEuropean Commission, Community Research:
The European Charter for Researchers: The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
See also:
Code of Conduct for OECD OfficialsILO, International Labour Office:
Collective Agreement on Conflict Prevention and Resolution between ILO and ILO Staff Union
Médiation et Dialogue Facilité: Un petit Guide pratique, Bureau du Médiateur au BIT
Director’s Strategic Programming, Meeting Addis-Ababa, 2011 : Une table ronde sur la question des conflits au lieu de travail, Bureau du MédiateurILO, International Labour Office:
Ethics in the Office
Office Directive, IGDS Number 76 (Version 1) - “Coaching Abrasive Leaders: Using Action Research to Reduce Suffering and Increase Productivity in Organizations”
Laura Crawshaw, the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations, IJCO, Issue 29, 8(1)
See also: - “Workplace Bullying? Mobbing? Harassment? Distraction by a thousand definitions”
Laura Crawshaw, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 2009. Vol. 61, No 3, pp. 263-267 - “Barriers to Equality: The Power of Subtle Discrimination to Maintain Unequal Opportunity”
Mary P.Rowe, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Vol. 3, No 2, 1990, pp.153-163 - “Dealing with – or Reporting – « Unacceptable » Behaviour”
Mary P.Rowe, Linda Wilcox, Howard Gadlin, Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, 2(1), p1 - “Micro-affirmations & Micro-inequities”
Mary P.Rowe, Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, Vol. 1, No 1, March 2008 - “Dealing With Harassment: A Systems Approach”
Mary P.Rowe, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Perspectives, Frontiers and Response
Strategies, Women at Work, Vol. 5, Margaret S.Stockdale, editor, age Publications,
Inc., 1996, pp. 241-270 - “Careful Manoeuvre: Mediating Sexual Harassment”
Howard Gadlin, Negotiation Journal, April 1991, p. 139 - “Options and Choice for Conflict Resolution in the Workplace”
Mary P.Rowe, Negotiation: Strategies for Mutual Gain, Lavinia Hall, editor, Sage Publications, 1993 - “Four Reasons Why Your (Supposedly-Lousy) Boss Avoids Conflicts”
Vivian Scott - “What actually works? The One-to-One Approach”
Mary P.Rowe, Pearson, Carol S. and Donna L.Shavlik and Judith G.Touchton,
Educating the Majority, ACE-Macmillan Publishing Co., 1989, pp. 375-384 - “Managing Cultural Differences in an International Organization Conflict Management System”
David Miller, Harvard Negotiation Law Review, Vol. 1, 14:271, 2009 - “The Ombudsman’s Role in a Dispute Resolution System”
Mary P.Rowe, Negotiation Journal, October 1991, p.353 - “Identifying and Communicating the Usefulness of Organizational Ombuds with Ideas about OO Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness”
Mary P.Rowe, Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, JIOA vol. 3, No 1 - “Managing with the brain in mind”
David Rock, Strategy + Business issue 56, autumn 2009 - “When the Boss Feels Inadequate, Power, Incompetence, and Aggression »
Nathanael J.Fast and Serena Chen, Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 2009 - “The incivility risk: It’s time to connect the dots”
Sharone Bar-David, Canadian HR Reporter, the National Journal of Human Resource Management, October 10, 2011
See also: - “Organizational Systems for Dealing with Conflict & Learning from Conflict: Introduction”
Mary P.Rowe for Bloch, Miller, and Rowe, Harvard Negotiation Law Review, Vol. 14, Winter 2009 - “Successful Psychopaths: Are They Unethical Decision-Makers and Why?”
Gregory W.Stevens, Jacqueline K.Deuling, Achilles A.Armenakis, J Bus Ethics (2012) 105:139-149 - “When Employees Stop Talking and Start Fighting: The Detrimental Effects of Pseudo Voice in Organizations”
Gerdien de Vries, Karen A.Jehn, Bart W.Terwel, J Bus Ethics (2012) 105:221-230 - “Toward a theory of spiritual leadership”
Louis W.Fry, the Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 693-727 See: http://www/ - “The Impact of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: A Multi-Sample Analysis”
Chin-Yi Chen, Chin-Fang Yang, J Bus Ethics (2012) 105:107-114 See also: - “Effective Corporate Codes of Ethics: Perceptions of Code Users”
Mark S.Schwartz, Journal of Business Ethics 55:323-343, 2004 - “Corporate Ethical Codes: Effective Instruments for Influencing Behaviour”
Betsy Stevens, Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 78:601-609 - “Why Code of Conduct Violations go Unreported: A Conceptual Framework to Guide Intervention and Future Research”
Detlev Nitsch, Mark Baetz, Julia Christensen Hughes, Journal of Business Ethics (2005) 57:327-341 - “Beyond Academic Codes of Ethics: are they Effective?”
Michael A.Yahr, Lois D.Bryan, Kurt Schimmel, Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA 15108 - “Perceptions of college and university codes of ethics”
Michael A.Yahr, Lois D.Bryan, Kurt Schimmel, Journal of Academic and Business Ethics - “Corporate ethical codes as strategic documents: An analysis of success and failures”
Betsy Stevens, EJBO, Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organisational Studies See: - “Changing Behaviour by Improving Codes of Ethics”
John C.Lere, American Journal of Business, - “Measuring the Implementation of Codes of Conduct. An assessment Method based on a Process Approach of the Responsible Organization”
Andre Nijhof, Stephan Cludts, Olaf Fissher, Albertus Laan, Journal of Business Ethics 45:65-78, 2003 - “Ethical Codes of Conduct and Organizational Context: A Study of the Relationship between Codes of Conduct, Employee Behaviour and Organizational Values”
Mark John Somers, Journal of Business Ethics 30: 185-195, 2001 - “Some Ethical Implications of Individual Competitiveness”
Peter E.Mudrack, James M.Bloodgood, William H.Turnlay, J Bus Ethics, 15 November 2011 - “The Nature of the Relationship between Corporate Codes of Ethics and Behaviour”
M.Schwartz, Journal of Business Ethics 32:247-262, 2001 - Voir aussi:
The Independent Voice, News from the International Ombudsman Association
Journal of the International Ombudsman Association